The following are pictures of a 1962 190sl Mercedes I bought in 1978.  It was in a front end collision.  When it was towed, the aluminum hood was stolen, probably sold for scrap!  Fortunately I found someone local that had three parts cars.  He owned Stadium Auto Body in Brighton, MA and ultimately painted the car for me.  Did a fantastic job, great guy.
My 1962 190sl Mercedes
I rebuilt the dual Weber side draft carbs.  Many new suspension parts, rebuilt heater boxes, brake system and much more.
The car as I bought it for $1,800 in 1978.  Today just the 8-day wind-up clock sells for more.

The frame was solid, excellent hard top and other than the accident in the front, the body was pretty good.  Had the original tube AM-FM radio that sounded great and the original 8-day wind up clock that kept great time.
Imagine putting speakers in leather door panels!  The guy I bought it from was in an accident in the car.  He put his left knee into the dash just below the left heater controls putting a crease in it that I was not able to completely straighten out.  He also put a slight bend in the steering wheel that I was also never able to completely get out.
Bought all new sheet metal from Mercedes.  The front nose was $220 and the left front quarter panel was $190.  Today they are over $3000 each.
I got the complete interior from one of the parts cars.
New German canvas top.
I put about 60,000 miles on the car over the six years I owned it.  Got married and built a house so the car had to go. 
Below are pictures when I picked up the car after being painted.  The guy is Harold, the owner of the body shop.
I don't usually have an afro.  It was from crawling under the car putting it all back together so I could drive it home.
My little brother Dan came with us.  My mother is taking the pictures.