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Solaria was designed by thermal analysts, for thermal analysts.
You can start by importing ECAD data.  Every trace, plane, via and component is imported and accurately represented in the model.

If you don't have ECAD data available, then you can easily create a board from scratch in the SolariaPCB environment.
Clear and fast graphics.  Easily modify component, add mechanical features and thermal boundary conditions.
When your done defining the board, a complete ready to solve Solaria thermal model is created.  The unstructured mesh allows for accurate representation of odd geometry with a fine mesh only where thermally needed.
The board is a full three-dimensional model.  Every via is accurately represented enhancing conduction through the thickness of the board.  Every trace and power and ground plane on each layer of the board is also accurately represented.
Components are automatically attached to the board based on geometry in the component library.  SolariaPCB comes with a library of over 400 parts which include component and lead geometry.  Download a pdf showing more details on component modeling.
If you are working on a single board, you can define the conduction or convection boundary conditions and solve it by itself.  Component Junction and Case temperatures are graphically represented.
Or you can easily work on many boards at once and place them all into a chassis level model.  Typical solve times are in minutes accounting for conduction in the board and convection from side wall heat exchangers and the air temperature rise in this model of an avionics ATR box.
Not only do you get presentation quality graphical results but you also get tabular results for each board in the model.  If you need to make a change on a board, hit a button and the board is removed from the chassis model.  Pop back into the SolariaPCB environment, make the changes then SolariaPCB will re-create the updated thermal model and put it back in place.  Hit the Solve button and minutes later your looking at updated results.
SolariaPCB add-on to Solaria

See what you would overlook if you don't capture the details in the board.

SolariaPCB is an add-on to Solaria.  It is built right into Solaria.  It includes an interface with your ECAD tools through
ODB++ files.  Harley Thermal is an ODB++ Solutions Alliance Development Partner.  You import and define the board in a custom window.  When it is complete you hit a button and a complete Solaria thermal model is created and automatically merged into your chassis system level model.
Like Solaria, the SolariaPCB add-on is purchased, you own it forever.  It includes a year of updates and support. Please contact us if you have any question on its capability or pricing. 

SolariaPCB now calculates voltage drop in traces, vias and power and ground planes. 
SolariaPCB then calculates the heat dissipated by the voltage drop which becomes part of the thermal model.

Watch an audio/video of how voltages and power dissipation is simulated.
Watch how electrical vias connect traces on different layer when calculating voltages.
Check out the new Cutout feature
Select here to see a full list of features.
More audio/videos on SolariaPCB

     * Introduction to SolariaPCB
      * Populating a Chassis model with PCBs then solving chassis and 5 boards
Voltage drop simulation of a plane.
Watch an audio/video of the ODB++ interface

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